Friday, October 11, 2024


Its almost two years since I superannuated from NABARD. I feel my parting message to my freinds in NABARD is still relevant. 

Dear Friends,

60-30-28: I am swarmed by pleasant feelings as I completed 60 years of my life this month.  It has been wonderful 30 years of my life I spent in NABARD.  That is,half of my life.  My tenure as CGM of DEAR where I joined in 1993 spanned 28 months. On balance, I feel I have not wasted my life in NABARD.  I had perfect symbiotic relation with NABARD. NABARD gave me a platform and I gave NABARD, in return, my best by placing DEAR on agricultural economics research map of India.

DEAR has worked on a wide-ranging topics of relevance while NABARD All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey (NAFIS) remained the best assignment of DEAR.  We have prepared several composite indices for commercialisation, social and economic impact index of SHGs, market access, financial inclusion, and farmers’ welfare.  I am very fortunate to have contributed to DEAR’s research activities significantly. I am happy to tell you that many of DEAR’s publications have been referred by several researchers.  Our work on doubling farmers’ income was first one after the announcement of the goal by Hon’ble Prime Minister and our papers presented during our Foundation Day seminar are displayed on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Family Welfare. 

I thank everyone who I have interacted during my three decades of journey within and outside NABARD.  I received affection and love of all of them in great measure. Those interactions helped me grow as a person and a professional.

I really thank all of you for your appreciation of my work and supporting me when i really needed.  My special thanks to my team in DEAR especially the young economists who infected me with their energy and youthfulness.  I am available on my mobile and email for interactions further.  Since my NABARD email will be disabled soon, kindly note my personal email ID.

During my journey I have followed a few basic practices.  If I were to advise youngsters, I would place the following pieces before them:

  1. Plan your career and life around what you do in NABARD. You are going to spend prime of your life here in NABARD. Take good return out of the time you are investing here.
  2. LIFE  means Learning Incessantly For Ever.  Keep learning.
  3. Develop one or two hobbies and passions parallel to your work.
  4. Have CLARITY (Confidence, Learning, Accept -yourself, others and situations, Responsibility, Invest in yourself and people around you, Technology, Youthful) (link to my convocation address my talk at LLIMS, Mumbai convocation 6 March 2021:

Wishing you all happiness unlimited,

With regards,

K J S Satyasai

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