Sunday, June 12, 2022

Collect FrESH PuK: 6 collectibles in life

Hi all. Greetings. Writing here after a long time.  I know regular posts in a blog are important to keep it live. I have several things to share but no it spending enough time on my blog.  I have a weak resolve in this regard. Anyway, today I feel compelled to share something very important. Six things to collect in our life before it's late. I happened to watch a talk by Dr.Rakesh Godhwani, IIM Bengaluru. He teaches communication and is good at communication. I am, in fact, watching him for second time, with equal interest. He elaborates on six things we need to collect in life. I list them below in a different order than what he covered to fit in a mnemonic. They are to collect FrESH PuK (mnemonic i devised). Full form of  PuK can be Personal Unlocking Key.  I list his six messages below.
1. Friends (Fr)
2. Experiences (E)
3. Skills (S)
4. Health (H)
5. Purpose and not position (Pu)
6. Knowledge (K)
These are messages for the young. He derives and explains them through a few reel or real life characters like Chatur Ramalingam, Dasarath Manji, Kungfu Panda, etc.  I feel I could have known these when i was young. Some of them I have followed, unknowingly. But not all and I wish I could have followed them consciously.  
I recommend listening to him here:  
During the Q&A sessions he gave suggestion to talk to seniors, faculty about their life experiences so that we understand what can happen in our life in future.  I really like this idea. All of us garner lot many lessons and experiences in our life. We are all great living books. It's worth listening to people and learn. Of course, some of the books can be boring, but worth flipping at least. 
Bye for today.

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